putdr2test results slider

The following graph shows consumption patterns compiled and analysed from our anonymous surveyed participants. Please if you are willing to complete the survey, visit our Benchmark page.

    Publicaciones: revistas, libros y capítulos de libros.

    1. Cruz C, Palomar E, Bravo I, Aleixandre M. Behavioural patterns in aggregated demand response developments for communities targeting renewables. Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 72, 2021, 103001, doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.103001.
    2. Cruz, C.; Palomar, E.; Bravo, I.; Gardel, A. Cooperative Demand Response Framework for a Smart Community Targeting Renewables: Testbed Implementation and Performance Evaluation. Energies 2020, 13(11), 2910, doi:10.3390/en13112910
    3. Cruz, C.; Palomar, E.; Bravo, I.; Gardel, A. Towards Sustainable Energy Efficient Communities Based on a Scheduling Algorithm. Sensors 2019, 19(18), 3973, doi:10.3390/s19183973.
    4. Wagner, T. D., Mahbub, K., Palomar, E., & Abdallah, A. E. (2019). Cyber threat intelligence sharing: Survey and research directions. Computers & Security, 87, 101589.
    5. Wagner, T. D., Palomar, E., Mahbub, K., & Abdallah, A. E. (2018). A novel trust taxonomy for shared cyber threat intelligence. Security and Communication Networks, 2018, doi: 10.1155/2018/9634507
    6. Palomar, E.; Cruz, C.; Bravo, I.; Gardel, A. Performance Evaluation of a Collaborative IoT Framework for Energy-Efficient Communities. 22th IEEE International Conferences on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC – 2020)
    7. Palomar E., Cruz C., Bravo I., Gardel A. (2019) Cooperative System and Scheduling Algorithm for Sustainable Energy-Efficient Communities. In: Pagán J., Mokhtari M., Aloulou H., Abdulrazak B., Cabrera M. (eds) How AI Impacts Urban Living and Public Health. 17th International Conference, ICOST 2019, New York City, NY, USA, October 14-16, 2019. LNCS, vol 11862. Springer.
    8. Peter Breuer, Jonathan Bowen, Esther Palomar and Zhiming Liu (2018). “On Security in Encrypted Computing”. The 20th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS). Lille, France, October 29-31, 2018.
    9. Peter Breuer, Jonathan Bowen, Esther Palomar and Zhiming Liu (2018). “A Formally Obfuscating C Compiler for Encrypted Computing”. The 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), July 2018, Porto, Portugal.
    10. Peter Breuer, Jonathan Bowen, Esther Palomar and Zhiming Liu (2018). “Superscalar Encrypted RISC: Measure of a Secret Computer”. The 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy, In 2018 Computing And Communications (IEEE TrustCom-18) July 31th – August 3rd, 2018, New York, USA.
    11. Carlos Cruz; Tarek Alskaif; Esther Palomar; Ignacio Bravo. (2023) Prosumers integration in aggregated demand response systems. Energy Policy (accepted, pending publication)
    12. Esther Palomar; Ignacio Bravo; Carlos Cruz. (2023) Chapter3 – Household Energy Demand Management. Energy Smart Appliances. K&L Content Management Wiley.
    13. Lourdes Jimenez; Esther Palomar; Paula Ortega; Vanesa Tabernero. Cuatro científicas nos cuentan qué hace falta para que las chicas quieran ser químicas, matemáticas o ingenieras. The Conversation 30/03/2022.
    14. Esther Palomar; Sabita Maharjan; Adel Aneiba. Special Issue “Internet-of-Things for Energy Communities”. Energies. MDPI, 2023. (In progress) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/KBMVZPS05X

    Trabajos fin de Máster y Tesis doctorales dirigidas o en dirección:

    1. Daniel Fernández Bodas. “Demostrador de un planificador agregador de la demanda de electricidad en una comunidad de consumidores”. Final year project Degree in Electronics Engineering. March 2022.
    2. Alberto Corral Ortiz. “Programación de controlador de dispositivos IoT en casa inteligente en una Raspberry Pi 3 a partir de un array de consumo establecido en rangos de tiempo.” Final year project Degree in Electronics Engineering. By June 2022.
    3. Carlos Cruz de la Torre. “Sistema cooperativo de planificación de demanda de electricidad agregada: comunidades sostenibles que optimizan el consumo de renovables” PhD in Electronics Engineering. January 2022.
    4. Francisco Javier Adame Cordero. Análisis de regresión y correlación: en busca de patrones de demanda y concienciación. Septiembre 2023
    5. Josu Arranz Sevillano. Prototipado en STL para alojar dispositivos electrónicos o módulos HW. Septiembre 2023.
    6. Adrián Márquez Mínguez. Mejora de un controlador de casa inteligente en una Raspberry Pi 4. Septiembre 2023

    Reconocimientos (premios, distinciones y otros reconocimientos)

    • ENEFF-PILOT and its team received the 1st Prize in the 13º Concurso de ideas para la creación de EBT by UAH as the 2020 best idea for deep-tech company creation.

    Acuerdos de propiedad intelectual

    • Registration of the intellectual property of the scheduling algorithm of aggregated demand at Registro Territorial de la Propiedad Intelectual de la Comunidad de Madrid:

      “la inscripción de derechos instada por la UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ, sobre la obra titulada ‘Planificador de Electricidad Agregada: Green Scheduler 1.0’, presentada en el Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual, el 26 de abril de 2021, a la que correspondió el número M-002870/2021.’’

    Tech. Reports