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A preliminary approval of the project agenda and milestones occurs between M1-M3 during an introductory kick-off presentation in the Department of Electronics at UAH; this project’s website is online since M6.

We have developed a DR system based on a novel aggregated electricity demand scheduler; the system has been successfully validated in controlled environments (simulation and laboratory). Living Lab trials will help to measure factors such as performance, reliability, availability and security as well as to better understand the consumers’ pattern for the success of DR development in our country.

On the replication stage, a preliminary version of PUT-DR-2TEST technical solution, that is implemented and satisfactory evaluated on a laboratory prototype, will be cloned and installed over a series of consumers’ households participating in living lab trials. Support from energy providers such as La Corriente in Madrid and MIWEnergía in Murcia is planned to this regard.


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Evaluation of the living labs’ data will help to determine the impact and economic viability of DR programmes in environments of any type. Exhaustive analyses of the data and performance measures from prototype testing and pilot trials will allow a detailed understanding of 1) correctness, completeness and performance for the whole system thus providing further technical refinement suggestions, and 2) the potential of DR programmes for a full scale deployment.

Demo trials will configure intelligent interfaces for parameters monitoring amongst the household’s appliances, sensors, controller and app as well as the aggregator’s. Both supervised and unsupervised ML techniques can be applied to data analysis. Moreover, the analysis can help on profiling or predicting community consumption to identify temporal variations of load-specific demands. Models such as random forest, support vector machines for regression and linear regression can be evaluated and compared in terms of their accuracy over the same datasets.

PUT-DR-2TEST technical solutions are implemented in cost effective platforms and easy-to-use applications to facilitate the consumer engagement and development of energy communities. Evaluation of performance, security and other technical factors during the actual performance of the demo trials will be considered for SW & HW version upgrading and technology improvement.


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WP4 compiles all the activities connected to disseminating the project results and achieving Objective B3 aimed at: a) enhancing project visibility, impact and create awareness, b) planning and executing dissemination activities throughout the project lifetime, and c) developing a business case model, market assessment and partnerships, identifying potential market volumes, IP strategy, adoption rate or uptake.

We are focused on getting the involvement of different stakeholders such as academic partners, utilities, public authorities, and the relevant industry. Dissemination activities focused on the elaboration of the strategic communication plan of the project and its results: goals and objectives, targeted audience, choose the right message, etc. We will also provide definition and management of the project’s presence on the Internet, particularly through a project’s dedicated website and by the participation in the most popular social media platforms. Approval of the project specification took place though with some delay.